Friday, October 26, 2007

population control?

moving in a week... thank goodness. im just waiting for Mr. Phil the UPS guy to bring me the rug i ordered online. very important you know.

im pretty sure nobody reads this blog, which is quite all right... i just needed a space that wasnt myspace to dump my nonsensical blather onto. with that said, i find it odd that i put as much effort as i do into making my posts more than "today i woke up, took a shit, went to work..." not that what i write probably makes sense to anyone besides myself. i just dont like boring.

this morning i discovered that the 19 year old extremely "slow" cousin of a friend is pregnant and about to pop. about a week ago another girl i know, this one 23 and extremely intelligent, had a baby with a guy who had been her boyfriend for about a month. two or three friends over the summer received new bundles of "joy." havent these people heard of contraception? birth control? abortions for fucks sake? i can never justify bringing a baby into the world to parents who are emotionally AND financially unstable. plus, these chicks are all so young! arent people interesting in living their lives and exploring the world before becoming slaves to maternity?!

well that was fun.

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